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Pearson eText -- for International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers -- Access Code Card, 9th Edition
- Pub. Date: Apr 10, 2020 by Pearson.
- ISBN-10: 0-13-546368-8
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-546368-0
List Price: $67.92
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Up-to-date guidelines and complete reorganization
- The text conforms to the latest guidelines on trauma care from the American Heart Association, International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, and Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons.
- Expanded - Chapter 1 now discusses changes put forth by the Hartford Consensus with regard to scene safety and team-based, multidisciplinary trauma care.
- Expanded - Chapter 19 now examines how advancing age increases mortality and identifies it as an independent risk factor for needing trauma care.
- Revised - The text has been completely reorganized to reflect a more functional approach to the assessment and management of the trauma patient. It is now divided into four sections:
- Essential Information
- Foundational Knowledge
- Special Populations
- Appendices
Skills development
- Management skills chapters follow each didactic chapter on a clinical topic to review the essential skills needed to manage the clinical situation.
- Updated - Chapter 4 now includes updated techniques for managing hemorrhage, some of which reflect the latest experiences of the military during recent conflicts.
- Updated - Chapters 11 and 12 now incorporate the current science and evolution of when to apply spinal motion restriction based on published guidelines.
- Expanded - Chapter 13 now includes pelvic fractures, as associated with concurrent abdominal injuries.
Engaging practice opportunities and resources
- Hands¿-on exercises throughout the text help readers apply knowledge and skills to simulated patients.
- Case presentations draw on realistic scenarios and promote retention of key concepts.
- Expanded - Text-specific online resources at pearsonhighered.com/bradyresources include the following online appendices:
- Role of the Medical Helicopter
- Heat Injuries
- Cold Injuries
- Drowning
- Trauma Scoring in the Prehospital Care Setting
- Tactical Casualty Care
- Additional Skills
- New - Step-by-step skills videos appear in the upgraded eText, including:
- Cricothyrotomy (needle and surgical)
- Wound packing
- Tourniquet application
- Chest seal application
- Manual IO insertion
- Needle decompression of tension pneumothorax
- Supraglottic airway insertion
- Log roll
- New - Appendices have been added to the the print text. They are:
- Standard Precautions
- Analgesia and Pain Control for the Trauma Patient
- Multicasualty Incidents and Triage
A decades-long leader in trauma education.
For over 30 years, In ternational Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers has been at the forefront of trauma education for all levels of prehospital emergency care worldwide. This complete resource is filled with practical, hands-on training that guides readers through the how's and the why's of all the skills needed for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization, and transportation of the trauma patient. The 9th edition reflects the latest and most effective approaches to prehospital trauma care, including a more functional approach to assessment and management.
For courses in basic and advanced trauma life support.
Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook that you can purchase on your own or instructors can assign for their course. The mobile app lets you keep on learning, no matter where your day takes you — even offline. You can also add highlights, bookmarks, and notes in your Pearson eText to study how you like.
NOTE: This ISBN is for the Pearson eText access card. Pearson eText is a fully digital delivery of Pearson content. Before purchasing, check that you have the correct ISBN. To register for and use Pearson eText, you may also need a course invite link, which your instructor will provide. Follow the instructions provided on the access card to learn more.
Table of Contents
Brief Contents
- Introduction to Traumatic Disease
- Trauma Assessment and Management
- Assessment Skills
- Hemorrhage Control and Shock
- Shock and Hemorrhage Control Skills
- Airway Management
- Airway Skills
- Thoracic Trauma
- Thoracic Trauma Skills
- Spinal Trauma and Spinal Motion Restriction
- Spine Management Skills
- Head Trauma and Traumatic Brain Injury
- Abdominal Trauma
- Extremity Trauma
- Extremity Trauma Skills
- Traumatic Arrest
- Burns
- Pediatric Trauma
- Geriatric Trauma
- Trauma in Pregnancy
- The Impaired Patient
- Standard Precautions
- Analgesia and Pain Control for the Trauma Patient
- Multicasualty Incidents and Triage
Product Type: Alternate Binding
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