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Anatomy & Physiology for Emergency Care, 3rd Edition
- By Bryan E. Bledsoe, Frederic H. Martini, Edwin F. Bartholomew
- Pub. Date: Jan 4, 2020 by Pearson.
- ISBN-10: 0-13-521145-X
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-521145-8
List Price: $153.32
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Hallmark features of this title
Strategic presentation of core concepts
- Conceptual overviews examine big picture relationships between anatomical structures and their function.
- Key notes throughout chapters call out core concepts in both A&P and EMS.
- Step-by-step diagrams break down complex processes into easy-to-follow steps.
Critical thinking and review
- Critical-thinking and clinical applications questions at the end of each chapter challenge students to apply new knowledge to hypothetical clinical situations.
- Concept Check questions at the end of chapter sections let students test their comprehension before moving on to the next topic.
- Concept links feature provides visual signals that new material relates to earlier topics. It lists page numbers for reference.
For courses in paramedics.
Learning A&P in the context of its emergency care applications
With Anatomy & Physiology for Emergency Care, Dr. Bledsoe builds upon the popular Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, by Frederic H. Martini and Edwin F. Bartholomew. The result is a text that provides the necessary A&P instruction to study prehospital emergency care, while adding in the clinical correlations and applications of emergency care. Students gain a framework for interpreting and applying information, as well as a basic understanding of common injuries and illnesses. The 3rd edition has been extensively revised and updated with numerous new clinical discussions and dozens of new figures, art, and photographs. Notably, the clinical correlation material now appears next to the topic being discussed.
Table of Contents
- An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
- The Chemical Level of Organization
- Cell Structure and Function
- The Tissue Level of Organization
- The Integumentary System
- The Skeletal System
- The Muscular System
- The Nervous System
- The General and Special Senses
- The Endocrine System
- The Cardiovascular System: Blood
- The Cardiovascular System: The Heart
- The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Circulation
- The Lymphatic System and Immunity
- The Respiratory System
- The Digestive System
- Nutrition and Metabolism
- The Urinary System
- The Reproductive System
- Development and Inheritance
- Roles and Responsibilities of Emergency Medical Personnel
- A Periodic Chart of the Elements
- Weights and Measures
- Normal Physiological Values
- Key Notes
- Answers to Concept Check and Chapter Review Questions