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Legal, Political & Regulatory Environment in EMS

Legal, Political & Regulatory Environment in EMSPhysical Product

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For courses in EMS Management

Legal, Political, and Regulatory Environment of EMS is designed to provide EMS managers with a foundational understanding of the regulatory issues that affect EMS delivery. For information on teaching and learning resources, please contact your Brady representative.

Teaching and Learning Experience

  • Examples throughout the text provide the EMS manager with a solid understanding of the issues affecting the legal, political, and regulatory environment of EMS.
  • Offers EMS managers a solid foundation of understanding of each of the topic areas.

Hallmark Features:

Examples throughout the text provide the EMS manager with a solid understanding of the issues affecting the legal, political, and regulatory environment of EMS:
  • What Would You Do? Case Study: Every chapter starts with an EMS manager tackling a legal issue that is further discussed the content of the chapter. How the EMS manager resolved the issue based on information in the chapter is presented in the What Would You Do? Reflection feature at the end of the chapter.
  • Every chapter promotes best practices and includes a real-world example that illustrates information from the chapter having been used successfully by an EMS agency.
  • The text covers current legal issues and laws, including recent court decisions and legislation that directly impact EMS providers and managers.
  • Specific chapters address the history of EMS law, differences between private and public EMS, funding models, hiring and retaining employees, safety issues, leading an EMS team, and state and national organizations.
  • The text highlights areas of patient care records management, disciplining employees, preventing negligence claims, and advocacy and lobbying issues.

Offers EMS managers a solid foundation of understanding of each of the topic areas:

  • Each chapter provides a foundation to understanding the topics covered in the next chapter, helping EMS managers build a solid overview of EMS regulatory issues.
  • Objectives are identified at the beginning of each chapter and outline the material the reader should understand upon completion of the chapter.
  • Key terms are listed at the beginning of each chapter and are bold upon introduction in the chapter. Each chapter’s terms are defined at the end of the chapter, and all terms are included in the comprehensive glossary at the end of the book.
  • Sidebar features relate interesting information that corresponds very closely to text discussion.
  • Students are required to draw on the knowledge presented in the chapter to answer the chapter review questions.
  • A list of bibliographical references appears at the end of each chapter.

Legal, Political, and Regulatory Environment of EMS is designed to provide EMS managers with a foundational understanding of the regulatory issues that affect EMS delivery. For information on teaching and learning resources, please contact your Brady representative.

Teaching and Learning Experience

  • Examples throughout the text provide the EMS manager with a solid understanding of the issues affecting the legal, political, and regulatory environment of EMS.
  • Offers EMS managers a solid foundation of understanding of each of the topic areas.


This title is also available as part of our Digital Library EMS Management Series, please visit www.bradybooks.com/dl to learn more.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Basic Framework of the United States Legal System
Chapter 2: History of EMS Law
Chapter 3: Forming an EMS System
Chapter 4: Employment and Staffing
Chapter 5: Compensation and Benefits
Chapter 6: Safety Considerations
Chapter 7: Records Retention Privacy and Confidentiality
Chapter 8: Personnel Management Issues
Chapter 9: Legal Pitfalls of Discipline, Terminations, Layoffs
Chapter 10: The Many Faces of Negligence
Chapter 11: Funding
Chapter 12: National EMS Representation
Chapter 13: Professional Organizations
Chapter 14: Advocating for Change

Product Type: Physical Product

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