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Management of Ambulance Services
- By NEMSMA NEMSMA, Jeffrey T. Lindsey
- Pub. Date: Oct 28, 2014 by Pearson.
- ISBN-10: 0-13-502829-9
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-502829-2
List Price: $59.99
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For courses in Management of Ambulance Services
Management of Ambulance Operations offers nineteen chapters of “best practices” that cover the management of an ambulance service, with each chapter written by a recognized expert in that area of ambulance service operation.
Teaching and Learning Experience
- Offers insights and “best practices” from subject matter experts in ambulance services
- Provides a useful reference and resource for ambulance service managers and executives
Offers insights and “bestpractices” from experts in ambulance services:
- Each chapter is authored by a recognized expert in that area of ambulance service operation.
- Living examples and “best practices” are provided by each author for EMS agencies that wish to improve in a particular area.
- What Would You Do? Case Study begins each chapter and features an EMS manager tackling a public information and education issue related to the chapter subject.
- What Would You Do? Reflection shows how the issue was resolved based on information learned in the chapter.
Provides a useful reference and resource for ambulance service managers and executives:
- Objectives identified at the beginning of each chapter outline the material the reader should understand upon completion of the chapter.
- Key terms listed at the beginning of each chapter are also boldfaced where introduced in the text. Each chapter’s terms are defined at the end of the chapter, and all terms are included in the comprehensive glossary at the end of the book.
- Sidebar features relate interesting information that correspond closely to the topic under discussion.
- Review Questions require readers to draw on the knowledge presented in the chapter to answer the questions.
- A list of bibliographical references appears at the end of each chapter.
- Your Web Connection links encourage students to explore additional sources for further study.
Management of Ambulance Operations offers nineteen chapters of “best practices” covering the management of an ambulance service, with each chapter written by a recognized expert in that area of ambulance service operation.
Teaching and Learning Experience
- Offers insights and “best practices” from subject matter experts in ambulance services
- Provides a useful reference and resource for ambulance service managers and executives
This title is also available as part of our Digital Library EMS Management Series, please visit www.bradybooks.com/dl to learn more.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The History of Ambulance Services and Medical Transportation Systems in the United States Vincent D. Robbins, FACHE
Chapter 2: Levels of Ambulance Service Matt Zavadsky, MS-HSA, EMT
Chapter 3: Corporate Models for Ambulance Service Delivery Skip Kirkwood, M.S., J.D., NREMT-P, EFO, CEMSO; Rob Luckritz, J.D., NREMT-P; Art Groux, B.S., EMT-P; Robert K. Waddell II, EMT-P (Ret.); Mike Touchstone, M.A., EMT-P, Vincent D. Robbins, FACHE
Chapter 4: The Ambulance Market David A. Shrader
Chapter 5: Medical Transportation–Scheduled Matt Zavadsky, MS-HSA, EMT
Chapter 6: Air Ambulance and Air Medical Transportation Edward R. Marasco, M.P.M., CMTE, EMT-P (Ret.)
Chapter 7: Deployment and Staffing Models Steven Cotter, M.B.A., NREMT-P
Chapter 8: Human Resources Administration Chris Colangelo, M.S.H.R., NREMT-P; Forrest Wood, EMT-P; Ernesto Rodriguez, EMT-P
Chapter 9: Ambulance Specification and Procurement Jonathan A. Olson, M.B.A., M.H.A., NREMT-P, EFO
Chapter 10: Patient Care Reporting Documentation and Documentation Systems Kevin M. T. Sullivan, M.S., NREMT-P
Chapter 11: Marketing, Media, and Community Relations Keith Griffi ths and Tom Tornstrom, M.B.A., EMT-P
Chapter 12: Ambulance Service Dispatch and Radio Communications Barry Furey
Chapter 13: Technology in Support of Ambulance Operations Skip Kirkwood, M.S., J.D., NREMT-P, EFO, CEMSO
Chapter 14: The Finance and Accounting Functions Sean Caffrey, M.B.A., CEMSO, NRP, and Asbel Montes, B.S.
Chapter 15: The Regulatory Environment of Ambulance Services Sean M. Caffrey, M.B.A., CEMSO, NRP, and D. Randy Kuykendall, M.L.S., NREMT-P
Chapter 16: Legal and Compliance Issues for Ambulance Services David M. Shotwell Jr., J.D., NREMT-P
Chapter 17: Safety Considerations for Ambulance Services Peter Dworsky, M.P.H., EMT-P
Chapter 18: Ambulance Service Activities in Support of the Community Skip Kirkwood, M.S., J.D., NREMT-P, EFO, CEMSO
Chapter 19: Ambulance Operations in Support of Disaster Operations Lawrence Nelson, M.Sc., EMT-P (Ret.), NMCEM