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Prehospital Emergency Pharmacology, 8th Edition

Prehospital Emergency Pharmacology, 8th EditionPhysical Product

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Hallmark features of this title

Both an academic text and a reference guide

  • Profiles of all medications and IV fluids used in EMS settings include classifications, action, indications, contraindications, precautions, side effects, dosages and administration routes.
  • Chapters on each type of emergency contextualize pharmacological approaches.
  • Drug dosages unavailable in the AHA guidelines are taken from national standards in AMA's Drug Evaluations, Physicians' Desk Reference and Pearson's Drug Guide.

Trends impacting emergency care

  • Information on medical research and trends grounds students in the latest science.
  • Coverage of natural and herbal medications equips learners to manage related drug interactions.
  • A chapter on weapons of mass destruction prepares EMS personnel to respond to related events.

For courses in advanced emergency medical services.
A complete guide to need-to-know medications for EMS personnel
Prehospital Emergency Pharmacology
is a comprehensive reference guide to the most common medications and fluids used in prehospital emergency care. A cornerstone of EMS education for over 30 years, the text reflects current trends in emergency care, especially the growing requirement for evidence-¿based care. Readers learn accepted practices in the U.S. and Canada as well as medication dosages that meet national standards of the AMA, AHA, and PDR. A valuable aid for both students and practitioners, the 8th edition has been extensively revised to reflect current trends in prehospital care and drugs that are now more commonly used in EMS settings, such as ketamine and haloperidol.

Table of Contents

1. General Information
2. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
3. Administration of Medications
4. Medication Dosage Calculations
5. Fluids, Electrolytes, and Intravenous Therapy
6. The Autonomic Nervous System
7. Medications Used in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Emergencies
8. Medications Used in the Treatment of Respiratory Emergencies
9. Medications Used in the Treatment of Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis
10. Medications Used in the Treatment of Metabolic-Endocrine Emergencies
11. Medications Used in the Treatment of Neurological Emergencies
12. Medications Used in the Treatment of Obstetrical and Gynecological Emergencies
13. Medications Used in Toxicological Emergencies
14. Medications Used in the Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies
15. Medications Used in the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Emergencies
16. Sedation and Pain Management
17. Weapons of Mass Destruction
A. Glossary of Street Drug Names
B. Emergency Intravenous Fluids Quick Reference Guide
C. Quick Medication Reference
D. Common Home Prescription Drug Information
E. Medication Administration Skills
F. A Guide to Herbal Supplements
G. Practice Problems Answer Key - Chapter 4

Product Type: Physical Product

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