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EMR Complete: A Worktext, 2nd Edition
- By Daniel Limmer, Edward T. Dickinson
- Pub. Date: Nov 11, 2013 by Pearson.
- ISBN-10: 0-13-351703-9
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-351703-3
List Price: $159.99
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For courses in Emergency Medical Responder
EMR Complete, Second Edition, is a combination text/workbook that enables students to instantly apply knowledge learned throughout a chapter by reading short segments followed by immediate review in which they can write and then check their answers. The Teaching and Learning package includes online access to instructor and student resources.
Teaching and Learning Experience
- Meets the National EMS Education Standards.
- Enables students to apply knowledge and skills learned throughout a chapter from the perspective of an emergency medical responder.
- Supported with online access to resources for teaching and learning success.
- Updated to meet 2015 AHA guidelines.
Hallmark Features:
Meets the most recent National EMS Education Standards:
- Visual section openers, Objectives, Key Terms, and Media Resources help students gain a foundation for learning chapter material.
Enables students to apply knowledge and skills learned throughout a chapter from the perspective of a first responder:
- Each Section starts with a “Big Picture” example of a scene or patient and shows the steps or decisions students must make superimposed around the photo, providing visual context for concepts covered in the upcoming chapters.
- Self-Check features in the margins tie back to one of the chapter objectives, prompting students to answer questions and review information if needed.
- Emergency Medical Responder Practice and Critical Thinking features help students practice decision making skills in the context of situations they may encounter as first responders.
- “Stop, Review, Remember” exercises at frequent intervals and “Review and Practice Examinations” after each section help students review, apply, and retain the concepts they have learned.
Supported with online access to resources for teaching and learning success:
- Available to instructors, is a full suite of supplements, including an Instructor’s Resource Manual, Test Banks, and PowerPoint slides.
New! Brady’s Student Resources site a wealth of tools to help student learning and comprehension, including quizzes, flashcards, scenarios and more.
EMR Complete, Second Edition, is a combination text/workbook that enables students to instantly apply knowledge learned throughout a chapter by reading short segments followed by immediate review in which they can write and then check their answers. The Teaching and Learning package includes online access to instructor and student resources.
Teaching and Learning Experience
- Meets the National EMS Education Standards.
- Enables students to apply knowledge and skills learned throughout a chapter from the perspective of an emergency medical responder.
- Supported with online access to resources for teaching and learning success.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to EMS Systems
2. EMR Safety and Wellness
3. Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues
4. Medical Terminology
5. Anatomy and Physiology
6. Lifespan Development
Section Review
7. Airway
8. Cardiac Resuscitation and Defibrillation
Section Review
9. Patient Assessment: Scene Size-up
10. Patient Assessment: The Primary Assessment
11. Patient Assessment: History and Vital Signs
12. Patient Assessment: Secondary Assessment
13. Communication and Documentation
Section Review
14. Cardiac and Respiratory Emergencies
15. Altered Mental Status
16. Medical Emergencies
Section Review
17. Overview of Trauma and Trauma Systems
18. Bleeding and Shock
19. Chest and Abdominal Emergencies
20. Soft Tissue Injuries
21. Injuries to the Head and Spine
22. Musculoskeletal Injuries
23. Environmental Emergencies
Section Review
24. Obstetrics and Neonatal Care
25. Pediatric Emergencies
26. Geriatric Patients
27. Special Populations and Situations
Section Review
28. Operations
29. Incident Management
30. Special Operations
31. Terrorism and Natural Disasters
Section Review
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: Answer Key
This textbook is also sold in the various packages listed below. Before purchasing one of these packages, speak with your professor about which one will help you be successful in your course.
Package ISBN-13:9780134993072
$178.93|Add to Cart
This package contains:
- EMR Complete: A Worktext, 2nd Edition
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