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Analytical Approaches to EMS

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For courses in EMS Management


Analytical Approaches to EMS provides the necessary foundation for effective and adaptive analysis of EMS systems and organizations. By applying the principles and practices in the book, the EMS manager, administrator, or provider can avoid common mistakes in decision making and problem solving. For information on teaching and learning resources, please contact your Brady representative.


Teaching and Learning Experience

  • Provides a framework for identifying problems in an organization or EMS system.
  • Offers readers a solid foundation and enables them to more effectively investigate problems or gauge the value of a new opportunity in EMS.


Hallmark Features:


Provides a framework for identifying problems in an organization or EMSsystem:

  • What Would You Do? Case Study: Every chapter starts with an EMS manager tackling an issue regarding identification of problems in an organization that is related to the content of the chapter. How he resolved the issue based on information in the chapter is presented in the What Would You Do? Reflection feature at the end of the chapter.
  • Every chapter promotes best practices and includes a real-world example that illustrates information from the chapter having been used successfully by an EMS agency.
  • Presents analytical approaches that help to reveal the true nature of perceived problems through identification of the underlying causal factors and enable identification of a more effective solution to the identified problems.
  • The content is rich in illustration and referential details, but it is tailored for application to the discipline of EMS.
  • Chapter 2 introduces the reader to the critically important elements of problem identification: an area that is often ignored and a common source of improper analysis and problem resolution.
  • Chapter 4 provides an easy-to-understand and very useful approach toward the analysis of an organization’s financial picture. 

Offers readers a solid foundation and enables them to more effectively investigate problems or gauge the value of a new opportunity within an EMS system:

  • Objectives are identified at the beginning of each chapter and outline the material the reader should understand upon completion of the chapter.
  • Key terms are listed at the beginning of each chapter and are bold upon introduction in the chapter. Each chapter’s terms are defined at the end of the chapter, and all terms are included in the comprehensive glossary at the end of the book.
  • Sidebar features relate interesting information that corresponds very closely to text discussion.
  • Students are required to draw on the knowledge presented in the chapter to answer the chapter review questions.
  • A list of bibliographical references appears at the end of each chapter.
  • The text covers approaches that can be applied in concert with one another or independently as stand-alone tools. The analytical processes can be applied sequentially or, in select cases, as needed, based upon the nature of the problems or opportunities presented to the organization.
  • Chapter 3 constitutes a broadly encompassing foundation toward all aspects of analysis by describing fundamental principles of research. This chapter contributes greatly toward building a firm foundation of analysis by applying common research principles in the analytical approach to problem resolution. 

Analytical Approaches to EMS provides the necessary foundation for effective and adaptive analysis of EMS systems and organizations. By applying the principles and practices in the book, the EMS manager, administrator, or provider can avoid common mistakes in decision making and problem solving. For information on teaching and learning resources, please contact your Brady representative.

Teaching and Learning Experience

  • Provides a framework for identifying problems in an organization or EMS system.
  • Offers readers a solid foundation and enables them to more effectively investigate problems or gauge the value of a new opportunity within an organization.


This title is also available as part of our Digital Library EMS Management Series, please visit www.bradybooks.com/dl to learn more.

Table of Contents

  1. What Are Analytical Approaches and Why Are They Necessary?
  2. Problem Identification
  3. Applying the Principles of Research
  4. Financial Analysis
  5. Cost-Benefit Analysis
  6. Impact Analysis
  7. Feasibility Analysis
  8. Writing the Final Report

Product Type: Physical Product

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