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Prehospital Emergency Care, 10th Edition
- By Joseph J. Mistovich, Keith J Karren, Brent Hafen
- Pub. Date: Jul 8, 2013 by Pearson.
- ISBN-10: 0-13-336913-7
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-336913-7
List Price: $138.80
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For courses in Prehospital Emergency Care
Prehospital Emergency Care, Tenth Edition, meets the National EMS Education Standards and is the most complete resource for EMT-B training. This best-selling, student-friendly book contains clear, step-by-step explanations with comprehensive, stimulating, and challenging material that prepares users for real on-the-job situations. Featuring case studies, state-of-the-art scans, algorithms, protocols, and the inclusion of areas above and beyond the DOT protocols, the tenth edition effectively prepares students for success. The assessment and emergency care sections provide the most up-to-date strategies for providing competent care; and the enrichment sections further enhance students’ ability to assess and manage ill and injured patients in prehospital environments. The text’s table of contents is organized to follow the National EMS Educational Standards.
Hallmark Features:
The text offers a wealth of features to help readers study effectively and master the material.
- Objectives form the basis of each chapter and were developed around the Education Standards and Instructional Guidelines.
- Page numbers are included to identify where each key term first appears in the chapter.
- Media exercises for web links, animations, and videos related to chapter content can be found under mykit for this book at www.bradybooks.com.
- Located at the end of the chapter Navigation Guide, a Case Study draws students into the subject and creates a link between the text and real-life situations and experiences. The Case Study Follow-Up at the end of each chapter emphasizes key concepts learned and in-depth resolution.
- Assessment Tips offer readers clinical insights that EMTs often learn over time. These enable the EMT to more accurately conduct an assessment and interpret the findings.
- Understanding Body Processes features highlight the body processes that cause the conditions found by EMTs, creating the in-depth understanding that helps providers make the right decisions for patients.
- Drug Profiles provide medication name, indications, contraindications, medication form, dosage, administration, actions, side effects, and reassessment on medications commonly administered by EMTs.
- Emergency Care Algorithms are graphic pathways that visually summarize assessment and care steps for students.
- Now all located at the end of each chapter, EMT Skills present key information and step-by-step procedures for easy reference.
Prehospital Emergency Care, Tenth Edition, meets the National EMS Education Standards and is the most complete resource for EMT-B training. This best-selling, student-friendly book contains clear, step-by-step explanations with comprehensive, stimulating, and challenging material that prepares users for real on-the-job situations. Featuring case studies, state-of-the-art scans, algorithms, protocols, and the inclusion of areas above and beyond the DOT protocols, the tenth edition effectively prepares students for success. The assessment and emergency care sections provide the most up-to-date strategies for providing competent care; and the enrichment sections further enhance students’ ability to assess and manage ill and injured patients in prehospital environments. The text’s table of contents is organized to follow the National EMS Educational Standards.
Table of Contents
Standard Preparatory
Standard Public Health
1. Emergency Medical Care Systems, Research, and Public Health
2. Workforce Safety and Wellness of the EMT
3. Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues
4. Documentation
5. Communication
6. Lifting and Moving Patients
Standard Anatomy and Physiology
Standard Medical Terminology
7. Anatomy, Physiology, and Medical Terminology
Standard Pathophysiology
8. Pathophysiology
Standard Life Span Development
9. Life Span Development
Standard Airway Management, Respiration, and Artificial Ventilation
10. Airway Management, Artificial Ventilation, and Oxygenation
Standard Assessment
11. Baseline Vital Signs, Monitoring Devices, and History Taking
12. Scene Size-Up
13. Patient Assessment
Standard Pharmacology
14. Pharmacology and Medication Administration
Standard Shock and Resuscitation
15. Shock and Resuscitation
Standard Medicine
16. Respiratory Emergencies
17. Cardiovascular Emergencies
18. Altered Mental Status, Stroke, and Headache
19. Seizures and Syncope
20. Acute Diabetic Emergencies
21. Anaphylactic Reactions
22. Toxicologic Emergencies
23. Abdominal, Gynecologic, Genitourinary, and Renal Emergencies
24. Environmental Emergencies
25. Submersion Incidents: Drowning and Diving Emergencies
26. Behavioral Emergencies
Standard Trauma
27. Trauma Overview: The Trauma Patient and the Trauma System
28. Bleeding and Soft Tissue Trauma
29. Burns
30. Musculoskeletal Trauma
31. Head Trauma
32. Spinal Column and Spinal Cord Trauma
33. Eye, Face, and Neck Trauma
34. Chest Trauma
35. Abdominal and Genitourinary Trauma
36. Multisystem Trauma and Trauma in Special Patient Populations
Standard Special Patient Populations
37. Obstetrics and Care of the Newborn
38. Pediatrics
39. Geriatrics
40. Patients with Special Challenges
41. The Returning Combat Veteran
Standard EMS Operations
42. Ambulance Operations and Air Medical Response
43. Gaining Access and Patient Extrication
44. Hazardous Materials
45. Multiple-Casualty Incidents and Incident Management
46. EMS Response to Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction
Appendix 1. ALS-Assist Skills
Appendix 2. Advanced Airway Management
Answer Key
Product Type: Physical Product
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