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Audio Lecture & Study Guide: EMT-B
- By Daniel J. Limmer, Daniel J. Limmer, Joseph J. Mistovich, Michael F. O'Keefe
- Pub. Date: Nov 22, 2005 by Pearson.
- ISBN-10: 0-13-177713-0
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-177713-2
List Price: $52.00
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- Friendly, engaging presentation by top authors and lecturers
- Presents important-to-know information with real-life examples and experiences
- Format allows for study anywhere, anytime
- Prepares users for tests, quizzes, and state and national exams
This product consists of several CDs that enable users to study and review anytime, anywhere. It supports the core concepts learned in class in an engaging, easy-to-use format. Top EMS authors and instructors present material in a consistent, relevant, and entertaining style. Each lesson includes:
- Objectives--what users will hear/learn in the upcoming lesson;
- Overview--states the importance and relevance of the material;
- Core material--discusses important points and relating these to real practices and personal experience;
- Wrap-up--quick and relevant summary of lesson contents;
- Take-home points–lists the need-to-know points for each lesson.
Table of Contents
CD 1 Introduction/Preparatory
Introduction to the Lecture Series
Introduction to EMS Systems
The Well-Being of the EMT
The Human Body
Baseline Vital Signs & Sample History
Lifting and Moving Patients
CD 2
Airway–Part 1
Airway–Part 2
CD 3
Scene Size-up
Initial Assessment
Focused History and Physical Exam–Trauma
Focused History and Physical Exam–Medical
Ongoing Assessment
CD 4
Assessment, cont.
Medical Emergencies
General Pharmacology
Respiratory Emergencies
Cardiovascular Emergencies
CD 5
Medical Emergencies, cont.
Diabetic Emergencies/Altered Mental Status
Allergic Reactions
Environmental Emergencies
CD 6
Medical Emergencies, cont.
Behavioral Emergencies
Obstetrics/Gynecological Emergencies
Trauma Emergencies
Bleeding and Shock
CD 7
Trauma Emergencies, cont.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Head and Spine Injuries
CD 8 Infants and Children
Infants and Children
Operations/ExitAmbulance Operations
Gaining Access
Special Operations
Exit to the Lecture Series
Product Type: Physical Product
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